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Where next? What to look forward to...

I posted a question on twitter asking what to write about on my blog and received some interesting suggestions.

  • Using social media and popular culture to attract readers @WCBLIBRARY

  • Parental involvement in reading - especially secondary level @missjg79

  • How to make boys take to reading after primary education @otukogbe

  • Y7 induction/first library lesson? Including behaviour and learning expectations @ALibraryscience

  • Maybe focus on starting the year right with students.  First lessons, first read-aloud, library orientation, setting and enforcing norms, etc. via email from Meredith Sandlin

It looked to me like I had three potential posts, one about reading initiatives, one about library inductions and starting the new year and finally parental involvement so I have decided to write series of posts looking at all three separately and have added one myself.

Number 1 will be about reading initiatives focusing on how school librarians have used social media and popular culture to attract readers and how to keep children reading into secondary school.

Number 2 will look at how school librarians are starting the year with a bang. Sharing ideas that I have found and some that I have tried.

Number 3 will be ideas for parental involvement in reading and research from home.

Number 4 will be a reflection on my online bookclub a year on. This was an opportunity for school librarians to read non-fiction, blogs or articles for their own professional development. How it has gone and what will happen next.

I hope you will enjoy reading them...

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