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This blog is about the value of school libraries. Advocating for the role of the school library within the educational process of every school.

Oct 29, 20243 min read
Bringing FOSIL and School Pedagogy Together: A New Vision for Inquiry-Based Learning
Bringing FOSIL and school pedagogy together

May 19, 20243 min read
History of UK School Libraries 1937 to the modern day
History of UK school Libraries 1937 to modern day.

Dec 9, 20226 min read
Literacy and reading promotion via your school library
How your school librarian can support literacy and reading development

Sep 8, 20224 min read
School Libraries: Do we really need them?
Don't let your school library close because you didn't understand all it could do.

Aug 28, 20224 min read
Are you getting the most out of your school library? Includes free stuff!
Teachers and school librarians need to collaborate to ensure they get the best value from their school library.

Jun 22, 20221 min read
Collaborative Inquiry: Do teachers have time for this?
School librarian, Emma Wallace and teacher Dr Julie Greenhough share what happened when they collaborated in a year 8 English inquiry

Apr 9, 20223 min read
6 resources to make teaching health literacy easier.
Listen to our Twitter Spaces Chat # LSLLTS to find out how important health literacy is...

Feb 10, 20224 min read
Reflective Practice or Down a Rabbit Hole!
Reflective practice for school librarians. Why is it so important?

Aug 11, 202019 min read
An Extraordinary Journey: FOSIL (Framework Of Skills for Inquiry Learning)
An interview with the founder of FOSIL (Framework Of Skills for Inquiry Learning). Tracking his journey from 2011 to where we are today.

Jul 27, 20205 min read
Aspirational and inspirational school librarians
Where does the journey to school librarianship start? FOSIL and IFLA are my focal point are they yours?

Jan 18, 20203 min read
School Librarians using inquiry to engage teachers across the curriculum
Are you a school librarian who wants to teach research skills across the curriculum but don't know how to get started? This might be for you

Dec 15, 20194 min read
Time and budget-saving School Librarians
Want to know how can your school library save you time and money? Digital literacy, resources and expert support.

Nov 3, 20198 min read
Our children need us! 4 survival tips for school librarians
School librarians bringing their expertise to education and the curriculum and helping our schools understand our value.

Sep 19, 20194 min read
Blindingly obvious! Digital literacy starts in the school Library
Why schools should be using their school library catalogue to start their students digital literacy journey.

Aug 15, 20192 min read
Time for change. Training, Advising and more...
It is time to move on. The plans are to spend more time with family but engage in the wider world of libraries as a trainer and advisor.

Jul 10, 20194 min read
A teacher has asked for your help: Now what do you do?
A simple guide for school librarians on those first steps to co-teaching research skills.

Apr 28, 201911 min read
LILAC 2019: The Information Literacy Conference for librarians
Having just come home from 3 very intensive days of learning, collaborating, sharing and networking I am exhausted. However, I feel it is...

Mar 10, 20194 min read
Looking to the future through our school libraries
I was really lucky to land a job at Newcastle City Libraries as a library assistant straight from school at 16. I had always enjoyed...

Jan 19, 201911 min read
Breaking News! Look what happens when teachers work with the School Librarian!
As a librarian who works with schools I am constantly having to find different ways to engage teachers. Whether it is letting them know...

Nov 30, 20181 min read
Every School needs a school library
"Teaching was never meant to be a do it yourself job and the school librarian is there to support you and your students so next time...
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