On the 20th June 2022, Ruth Maloney and I ran another #LSLLTS Twitter Spaces Chat about collaborative inquiry. We talked to School librarian, Emma Wallace and teacher Dr Julie Greenhough about their recent collaboration in a year 8 English Inquiry using FOSIL. Emma had written about this inquiry collaboration over on the FOSIL Group forum and I was delighted when they both agreed to come and talk to us about how this all came about.
We heard about the amazing impact this collaboration had on their students, enabling even those hard-to-reach students to fulfil their potential and become the experts for a change. We heard about the value that Emma, the school librarian, brought to these lessons in her teaching capacity and how it gave her gravitas with these students.
It was lovely to hear the respect these two colleagues have for each other and how much they both learned from this experience.
Did we get an answer to our question? Yes, teachers are busy but when something is important then time can be found. Start small and build... you never know what will happen next!
If you would like to hear the whole discussion check out the post below. Or if you prefer a podcast you can find it here.