Our April book is Hacking School Libraries by Kristina A Holzweiss and Stony Evans. Over the last few months we have been reading this book. Please join in the conversation and add your thoughts in the comments below.
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Edited: Apr 13, 2021
Hacking School Libraries - April 2019
Hacking School Libraries - April 2019
Comments (193)
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I did think about letting pupils take books out over the Summer though probably not this year! There were a lot of 'crafty' activities and other things I just wouldn't have time to do though. I also haven't finished the book yet! So hope to do that and then will post more comments. As regards advocacy I have finally got a presence on the school website with links to the library catalogue. I also try to turn up to staff briefings and wave the flag for all things library. We also have a online bulletin where I advertise events etc.
8. Have you tried using social media to highlight what you are doing? If so tell us what you have done and share your blog or twitter name so we can follow.
7. The importance of advocacy is highlighted in this book. Tell us how you advocate for your school library.
6. Have you tried to connect your teachers globally? If you have what did you do and how did it go? If not do you think you will try after reading this book?
5. Funding your school library is always a challenge. Do you think that the hacks suggested are useful? Can you share other ways you have raised money for your library?
4. ‘Over coming pushback’ looked at what might be said to prevent you trying something new. Do you think this will empower you in future conversations?
3. Did you find the examples of how other librarians achieved these Hacks useful? What would prevent you doing the same?
2. Each chapter has a ‘what you can do tomorrow’ did you feel these were realistic and if so which Hack have you already put in place or are planning to soon?
1. “Prepare to energize your library and ignite a passion for connection and learning” This is what that blub promised. Did this book do this for you and if so what was your highlight?